Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I will not fear


"a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid."

We all feel it, Some more than others. Its tucked away deep inside. Its the place where we hate going but often find ourselves. Its something that drives us and its something that haunts. It keeps us from loving and it has the ability to tear us apart. It makes us angry and we have a tendency to blame it on other people when it arrives It controls the way we feel about ourselves and the people who we interact with. Fear has a way of keeping us from growing emotionally, physically and spiritually. Fear controls us emotionally in many ways. We experience something traumatic in our lives and the fear keeps us from healing. Fear controls us physically we have to push ourselves during a workout, to run that extra mile, or do the extra 20 pushups or deadlifts. The "Church" tells us to fear god even when God is in us, around us and works through us. Fear is the unbelief. Its the opposite of believing in the good. Fear keeps away the important things we need in our lives, like love. I've met a lot of people in my life and I've sensed fear when interacting with them. We fear people who are powerful, people who use fear to control us, like politicians. We get stuck in our careers because we fear change, even though its a guarantee that the job we have now wont be around more than a couple of years. We are afraid to taking risks, like starting our own business when it has been a goal for a long time. We fear Doctors because we are afraid of hearing certain news that may bring us to our knees. We wake up every day with a sense of sadness because we are afraid of change in our lives. The sad thing is, the majority of us all fear a lot of things in life. Fear is something that drives me in my life even though I know better. I never knew how much I was afraid of fear until I started to pay attention to what I am really afraid of.. I'm afraid of being alone. I'm afraid of disappointing others that I care about in my life. I'm afraid that as hard as I try it will be never good enough for myself and others. I'm afraid of falling in love again. I'm afraid that showing to much emotion as a male is looked at being "weak" when I believe showing emotion takes a lot of courage. I know there are a lot of things in my life that I am afraid of and if I wasn't honest with myself then I wouldnt have these feelings I'm having. I;m learning how to accept my fears and look each of them in the eyes and know that they wont control me. We are here not to be afraid and live in fear but to live life full of joy. Where ever you are in life, always remember when you fear something, acknowledge the fear but dont hold on to it because having a little fear in our lives can actually do us good. Its done a lot of good for me. I leave you with a poem.

Dear Lord,

I will not fear my darkest hour

For me, the Devil, he holds no power

God’s Son is my fortifying power

To Him, I release my cares

I do not worry about tomorrow

Legions of Hell cause me no sorrow

The strength I need, from Jesus, I’ll borrow

As God discharges all my fears

I know not what comes on tide

If it be smooth or bumpy ride

But my Savior knows and He’ll provide

Every little thing I need

And for you I openly pray

That He is with you all of this day

Put God first, and He will say

“My child you are my seed!”