Monday, July 16, 2012

Hard work

I look back on my life and I finally see how far I have come. I can finally say that I am happy where I am at. I do know that I will be faced with challenges in my life but the lessons that I've learned in the past have taught me to deal with situations so I do not make the same mistakes in my life. When you make the same mistakes over and over again you never truly allow yourself to learn from that mistake. I know that I'm never going to allow myself to jump into a relationship due to past behaviors. (Most of you know what I'm talking about) Sometimes when you are faced with adversity in life you learn to accept that everything isnt going to be the way that you want it early on.   We often try and hold on to the past, the good times, the bad times and everything in between. The funny thing though, the past doesnt necessarily have to define who we are as a person. Yes, it has a major role in how we handle situations but if you learn to be flexible in life then situations should be easy to deal with. Let go of the hurt, the pain and the frustrations because it will just eat you alive. We all have baggage but it all depends on how much we want to pack and carry with us. When we are faced with some adversity it makes you appreciate everything positive in your life that you have.  If we had it our way the whole time then life would be pretty boring. I know I dont want a boring life. I almost welcome the sign of a struggle. Not because I enjoy them but because it reminds me that I am only human and I do too myself have emotions.  I dont know about you but I've always learned something positive out of something that was weighing me down at the time. The most important lesson I've learned recently is too not be in such a hurry. Slow down and enjoy life for what its worth. When you rush things in life, you try to bend the pieces until you fix them exactly how you want them. Life isnt always about being the pieces I'm learning.  I'm not going to allow a negative situation define who I am. I've done that before. I made a whole life out of negative thinking. You get what you put out there. Life is way to short to be unhappy.  If we knew how the whole plan was going to be then we wouldn't have to work for what we wanted. Everything would be given to us. The sad thing is though, a lot of people just expect things out of life. I've worked really hard to get where I am and I find it frustrating when I see people just expecting things to be handed to them. Hard work does eventually pay off.  If we lived our lives knowing exactly what was going to happen to us then we would now what was going to happen to us. We would know who we were going to marry. We would know where we would want to call home. We wouldnt be afraid of accepting people into our lives because we would we would know that they would never hurt us.  When I look back on my life, I understand that nothing is perfect nor the friendships I have in it. I do know that I value those people in my life and I know that everyone has some sort of story to tell. Those stories add depth and value to the friendship.  I dont have a lot of money nor do I own a house or am I married but I can say that all that will come in time. True growth comes when we accept that we cant control everything we want out of life. We are always going to be faced with some time of adversity in or lives. The best part of life sometimes is just learning how to ride the wave until it crashes. When the wave crashes is when you have to get up and keep on moving. Life is full of struggles, theres no question about that.  Enjoy what you have. Someone else is always fighting much harder to survive than you.