Tuesday, March 29, 2011

You never know when its going to be your turn.

Death, Why are we so afraid of you? we have a hard time accepting that one day, you will come for us. We do so many things to prevent you from coming for us. We eat healthy, we exercise, We go to doctors for regular checkups. I know that all of this means nothing and sooner or later it will mean nothing. We take all the measures we can but you proved to me the last two days that nothing is certain. You like to sneak up on us when we least expect it. You make us realize that we aren't invisible, even though we like to think we are. We come into this world helpless and we leave this life the exact same way. We are faced with challenges and set backs. We fall in love, we build a family, accomplish dreams and then one day its all over, Just like that with no warning what so ever. You were once living, now the soul goes to a place that we know very little about. The human body dies but the soul lives forever. The energy just transforms from one state into another. Two days ago death you almost took one of the most important people from me, My father. A person who is loved and respected by many. Why? I have no idea and I wont even begin to wrap my head around that one. Its above my pay grade to question things like that. One day you are living your life thinking nothing different. The next day you have death staring you right in the face. You never know when its going to happen. You say to yourself its not going to happen to me but when it does, it changes your outlook on life. It makes you take a step back and realize the important things in life. These "important" things are going to be different from one to another but they are the things that we hold close to our heart. Tell someone you love them, stop somewhere before you head home to work and bring flowers to your wife/husband. Watch the sunrise on a beach. Dance like you dont care and live life to the fullest. Accomplish that dream you have always wanted to do. Have faith, believe in God. He will protect you and he will take you at his will when its your turn. We want to be remembered by the good things we do in life for each other, none of the bad but sometimes we only remember the bad. Forgiveness is never easy and it takes a lot of courage to do so. Forgive someone who did you wrong. Forgive someone for treating you a way they shouldnt of. There is no point in having any anger in life. Anger is a double edge sword. It hurts both people. You never really know when its going to be your turn. I've learned that life is way to short. Treat everyone how you wanted to be treated and hope they will do the same. Its too short to be pissed off at someone. We go through life holding grudges against people and then get that phone call that's too late. I know I don't want to receive that phone call.

I leave you with a prayer.

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy Kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,

the power and the glory,

for ever and ever.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Being pissed off is always better than being pissed on.

Lately I've been trying not to think negatively. I haven't made the best choices before and now I am paying for the consequences. It makes me wonder who I pissed off in my life for Karma to come back and haunt me. Okay, not really I do have an awesome life with alot of amazing people in it I'm just tired of the way certain things are.

These are my thoughts. Honest, Real, and to the point.

1. I'm tired of hearing the line "nice guys finish last" Hell I just want to finish.
2. I hate how sometimes I find myself comparing myself to other people.
3. I wish it was easy for me to talk to a cute girl that I see in the grocery store, starbucks, airport. You get the idea.
4. I feel like I have to do what others want me to do- when sometimes I could really care less.
5. I wish I was a little more selfish.
6.I wish I didnt have to worry about my career. Some parts of aviation have left me with a really bitter taste in my mouth.
7. I'm tired of social media. I wish I could go a week without my iphone, facebook, ect.
8. Sometimes what I want, isnt what God wants and I struggle with that every day.
9. I hate proving to my family that I've really changed. I got my ass kicked in 2010 and I truly did learn from my mistakes.
10. I really hate drunk girls.
11.I've learned that part of who I am will always be somewhat negative the catch is, It is my motivation in life. It drives me.
12. Sometimes I wish I had a plan B.
13. I wonder how many people read my thoughts and I often wonder if I make a difference.
14. I hate feeling like I dont have a home. The more I think about it the more I realize I dont know where I want to live. I'm not 100% sold on Jacksonville and im not 100% sure on Palm beach. ( I dont live the Palm Beach Life style)
15. I hate how I get caught up in material things in life and worry about what I have. It can all be taken away from me tomorrow. (Refer 1-14)

I truly feel like I am at a crossroads in my life. I'm not sure what direction I want it to go.

Eeny, meeny, miny, moe...

Friday, March 18, 2011

Why I crossfit

Growing up I was never really in the best physical shape. I wasnt into sports while I was in high school. During college, I started watching what I ate and realized that my body was changing as I was getting older. The food I used to love to eat I could no longer eat without getting serious heart burn. While In college I guess you could say my type of workout was going to the student rec center and doing a bunch of typical workouts that I felt never really worked. Two years ago, I had a conversation with my buddy Dan about working out and traveling and how its hard to be a pilot and keep in good physical shape. He mentioned to me about checking out a Crossfit gym. I thought to myself, I never even heard those words before. What the hell is "crossfit" Just like anything we want to find out, I went straight to google and you typed in the word crossfit. I new after watching a couple of crossfit videos I knew it was something that I was interested in. Since I live in wonderful Florida, I was lucky enough to find a crossfit affiliate gym right in West Palm Beach. I remember sending the initial email requiring info. Todd and Dana, the wonderful owners of BGI FItness in West Palm Beach told me to come in and check it out. I couldnt pass up the opportunity so the next day I brought my sorry ass into the crossfit gym and watched a workout. I was caught off guard about the gym. It was in a warehouse. Not the typical "gym" set up"The first workout I ever watched was a workout called Fight Gone Bad. Heres a little info from www.crossfit.com that will give you an idea of what FGB really is all about.

"..in this workout you spend one minute at each of five stations, resulting in a a five-minute round after which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. This event calls for three rounds. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of ‘rotate,’ the athletes must move to the next station immediately. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower, where each calorie is one point."

The stations are:

  1. Wall-ball, 10 ft target (Reps)
  2. Sumo deadlift high-pull (Reps)
  3. Box jump (Reps)
  4. Push-press (Reps)
  5. Row (Calories)

After watching my first crossfit workout, I new I was instantly going to be hooked. The next day, I came in and signed up for a membership and did my first workout. I dont recall what my first workout was, but I remember halfway through the workout I thought I was going to vomit and die. This was when I knew I was out of shape and things had to change in my life. I'm going to be honest, it took me awhile to get used to the type of torture that people put themselves through. I didnt think I had the ablity to do some of the workouts they set up for each day. The wonderful thing about crossfit is, you can scale each workout to youre own liking. Thats the easiest way to break yourself into this type of work. little by little you will find yourself loving the workouts.

There are many things that this type of workout has taught me about my own personal life. Crossfit is now a type of lifestyle for me. I recently went through a really bad breakup in my personal life and this is when I turned straight to the crossfit style workouts even harder than I have before. I have learned that the human body can experience more pain than I thought it could. I've learned that the pain is only temporary and soon dissipates. I've learned that during a workout, you must keep going, keep driving to finish the workout. You feel like you really want to pass out on the ground and stop but it teaches you that it will soon all be over. Most of the workouts are based around 15-30 mins of hard work. Pushups, lifting, running, rowing, situps. Jump ropes . Sometimes a workout that looks easy, turns out to be a killer. My worst workout by far was a 400 meter tire drag, 400m sandbag run, 400 meter run. Rest 2 minutes. 200 meter tire drag, 200 meter sandbag run, 200 meter run then you are done. Its hell..but the results are well worth it. Before finding crossfit I was unable to do handstand pushups, Now I can.

Since I do travel a fair amout, It makes it even more harder to keep up with the type of workouts. I know my body feels like hell if I dont work out for a couple of days then do a work out. I feel like I want to puke. I have had the ability with this new job to be able to go to different crossfit gyms through out the country and be able to stay in decent shape. The common thing I have found from Box to box is that everyone is accepting, its a part of community, and a major life style to some people.

I may not compete in crossfit games due to my type of schedule I have but I can tell you that every time I do a workout, I push myself harder and harder. The people who I have met know who they are and I want to thank you for shaping me into being a healthy individual. You guys do an amazing job and sometimes you guys go unnoticed for all the hard work you do. Thank you.

It may not be for some, it takes a special type of person to do the workouts but I challenge you to be that special type of person. Go to google right now and type in crossfit. Its just the beginning...

Follow the link..


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound..

Every morning I wake up and I count my blessing. You have blessed my life in so many ways. I am truly thankful for being alive. You have blessed me with opportunities in my life that I have always dreamed about. You have given me the ability to listen to others and take them for who they are. Nothing more. You have given me the courage to stand alone and you have blessed me with raw passion for life and what is thrown at me. You have given me enough trials in my life to know what its like to struggle without you in my life. You remind me every day how important life is and how important we are. Everything I do is based around you. I know it may not seem like that at times though. I know there have been times when I have taken things for granted and I know there have been times when I have turned away from you but I know you have always been there and you will always be there. I know have been greedy and selfish at times. Please forgive me. I know all of this can be taken away in an instant and I have learned not to take life to serious. When I am faced with difficulties, grant me the wisdom to make the right decision. When I am tired, give me the strength to continue on to face my battles. I know taking the easy way out isnt always an option. There are times when I get jealous of the people around me but remind me that its not a race. Everyone is on a separate time line with you.When I am faced with temptation, deliver me from evil. Lord, forgive me for I have sinned. I have made mistakes in my life and I ask for your forgiveness. It is one of the hardest things that I am faced with. I'm learning to forgive myself, and I am learning to forgive others for what they have done. Its not easy, but I know it can be done. Lord, I know you accept me for who I am, but I often struggle with accepting myself. Give me the peace that I seek, the courage that I need to keep moving forward and the love that you give me to make a good example . In nomine patris, et filii, et spiritus sancti

Monday, March 7, 2011


Choice- The act of choosing; selection.

We all have to make them. Some are painful. Some are already made for use indirectly. Some of them hurt others while some hurt ourselves. Some of them are made without any rationalization and some take a lot of thought. I believe this word is one of the most powerful word that humans can use. You wake up one day and you realize you hate the job you once loved. You rolled out of bed and said to yourself " I just dont know if I can do this any longer" What happens when you decide to just walk away from something that you once loved?

You come home from traveling for work only to find an empty place. The person you once left indirectly told you he or she no longer loved you by their choice they made. They took everything. The life you once knew, is no longer comfortable and you are standing there with your pants down around your knees. You dont think it can happen to you as you blindly go through life but one day it does and you are taken back by it and feel at a loss. When we are faced to make tough decisions in life they affect many people around us.

The job you once loved becomes a job, there is no passion left. You are no longer excited to do what you love. To me, it seems that we always have to have something planned out for ourselves. We are told we have to have a plan "B" If we dont have a plan be and plan "A" falls apart in front of us then we are left scratching our heads, asking ourselves What next.

Isnt it funny though how everything has a way of working themselves out regardless of the choices we have made in our lives. I find myself wondering if the people that I pass by on a daily basis are happy. Are they doing what they love? Have you ever made eye contact with someone that you can just feel their negative energy inside them? I know Id rather be around someone who is happy than miserable. That s a given but its a lot easier said than done. It goes back to the word "Choice" Sometimes when we make a choice, we set expectations on ourselves that are sometimes damn near impossible to reach. When we don't meet those expectations we let ourselves down along with others.

Since we are all faced with choices in life, take a moment to think about what you really want out of life. What is your soul trying to tell you? Do you really love that person you are with, or are you comfortable and afraid of leaving them? Same thing goes for your choice of work. Remember, its just a job. They do come and go, sometimes faster than we would like. So close your eyes and listen to what the soul is trying to say. Its always right. Sometimes there is a major disconnect between what the mind is saying and what the soul is saying which makes people often feel confused about what they really want out of life. People who love you, will support you regardless of what you do.

You may seem you are along by making a tough decision but you aren't. Take a look around, without the choices you have made you wouldnt be who you are and you wouldnt of made the life that you have. Believe in yourself and listen to yourself and everything will fall into place.