Monday, July 4, 2011

Crossfit, life and what it means to me

Sometimes life takes us to places that we never imagined ourselves going. . Sometimes it can be painful and sometimes it can be the best experience we've have ever imagined. We are all faced with challenges and obstacles in our lives. We all search and want some type of outlet. Some people find their outlet through artwork, music, or working out. Some of the challenges we face can be more than we can handle. They seem huge at first and damn near impossible to achieve. We are often pushed and pulled in multiple directions in life and we want to make the right one. We make decsions that hurt people and we are hurt by others. You are probably thinking what does this have to do with crossfit? Well, to me, it has everything to do with crossfit. Crossfit isnt just a "workout" to me, its a part of who I am. When I first was introduced to crossfit, I had no clue what I was getting myself into and I had no clue how much it was going to transform my life. I really had no clue that I would meet some of the most inspirational people in my life. I had no clue that I would be able to do handstand pushups, and I had no clue that I would be able to introduce crossfit into someone elses life. Most important, I never knew how far I could push myself without giving up, Finding that was an unbelievable experience. I know now how hard I am able to push myself which I related to all levels in my life not just in a crossfit workout. Life is hard, crossfit is hard, there is no joke about the two. They both push you. They challenge you to give everything you have..and more than you thought you had..

Thats the great thing about life, change is never constant and it never stays the same. The same thing about crossfit. Each workout is totally different from day to day. One day a workout can consist of 100 burpees for time a long with max weight back squats. When you do a burpee, you literally throw yourself towards the ground and kick your legs back and do a pushup. It isnt fun.. At first, there is pain, just like in life, after a horrible breakup you feel pain you never thought you could experience. Your arms want to give out. The sweat runs down your face. You struggle with your emotions to work through the workout, just like dealing with a breakup.. After 30 burpees constantly, the pain isnt that bad..Its there but not as strong. You tell yourself only 70 more to go..only 20.. I can do this. When we expirence pain, we literally have to physically and mentally dig our heals into the ground and work through it. Sooner or later the pain will end. When the pain does end you realize, hey that wasnt that awful, maybe I can do this. You gained a sense of accomplishment, you struggled through it but you finished.

Most of the crossfit worksouts are named after women. One of my favorite workouts to do is called "Fran". "Fran" is 21-15-9 of Thrusters and Pullups. 21 reps, 15 get the idea. The prescribed weight for men is 95 and women is 65..but the good thing about crossfit if you cant lift that much weight, you scale it to your own ability, Just like in life, we scale things all the time. You think to yourself here goes nothing when the clock beings, workouts are based on time so you push yourself as fast as you can.. Usually each workout there are 4-5 people workout out with you.The group workout aspect of it is unbelievable. When I throw that barbell above my head as fast as I can, there are times when I just want to quit. Screw this and walk away then I hear someone yelling "GO, Keep going, you got it" I pick back up the bar, and I keep going. One more, two more, three more..the first 21 is over..Eventually the workout is finished and you feel like you are going to die but you realize what you just did and its one of the best feelings in the world. Yes, it may not be the best time or the most weight but the drive to finish in itself is what crossfit is all about and life. We all have goals, some little some big. In crossfit there are goals, just like in life.

I am amazed at my abilities as a person, inside the box and outside the box. I am happy, I am strong and I love who I have become the last two years. I am crossfit. The people I have met are truly amazing. You know who you are. You have changed my life more than you know. I appreciate it. Thank you.



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