Saturday, August 6, 2011

Humility and the walls around us.

Have you ever wondered what life would be like if we were a little more honest? Maybe we could change the way we feel about ourselves. Maybe we could admit to ourselves that we have been wrong. I've been wrong in my life many of times, I've made stupid decisions that have altered the way I look at situations but I have always admitted when I was wrong. If we were a little more honest with ourselves maybe we could forgive someone who has hurt us in the past who made a mistake. Maybe we could let go of our anger or hatred we have bottled up. Its only hurting us more. Maybe we could find the courage we are looking for to leave someone who is abusive. Have you ever met someone who no matter what, has to be right all the time? It makes me wonder why they have to be right. They are fueled with a vengeance to put their opinions on you. Who wants to be around a person like that? I'd rather meet someone who is able to tell me they were wrong than have someone tell me a lie just because they want to be right in their own head. Sometimes its okay to admit we are wrong. There is a big difference between someone who knows they are right and someone who assumes they are right. The latter one will do anything to make sure they are right. They will lie to you. They will talk behind your back. They will hold you back in life. These are not the kind of people who you want to associate yourself with. The sad thing is, the more we take a step and look who we associate ourselves with these types of people are in our lives daily. They may be a boyfriend/girlfriend. They may be a parent. The boss that makes you hate your job. Human relationships can be tough to digest at times. Sometimes we become comfortable with people in our lives when we are screaming in the inside the exact opposite. They may affect us negatively but we still keep them in our lives because we are afraid of being alone. When we are lonely we reach out for anyone to give us attention. . Have you ever met someone who came into your life who had a wall up? you know something is bothering them but how dare ask them whats wrong. They are full of anger and sadness of what has happened to them. You try and ask them but they shy away from the truth. They are afraid of being honest with themselves. I find that its hard to be honest with myself. Its a daily struggle. Its a lot easier to do something half assed than to do it the right way. There are many reasons why we put walls up to keep people out. Sometimes its because we have been hurt by an ex boyfriend/girlfriend.It makes it a little more harder to open up. Sometimes its what our parents have said or not said. It could be something that someone did to you 10 years ago. I've come to realize that our thoughts and feelings often get hurt and it takes a lot of undoing to make it right. I know We put up walls because we have been hurt in the past. Its like we want people to prove to us that they arent going to hurt us. Sometimes that makes it a little more difficult instead of taking someone for who they are. Theres a big risk in doing that but if that person has integrity and courage then they are in your life for the right reasons. Its hard because we have make judgements every day about people. The next time you meet someone, listen to that voice in the back of your head. Its always right.

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