Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Everyone's talking about change on the airwaves.

There comes a time in everyone's life when we are faced with making changes in our lives. We get tired of doing the same things over and over again but lets be honest change can be scary at times. The monotony sets in at the end of the day which leaves us begging for a something different. A new car, a new haircut, a new place to workout. You get the point.  Society tells us to pick a career once we graduate college and stay in that career until we retire and if we go a different route along the way we are judged and asked why we changed our minds.  The real question is if we desperately seek change in our lives then why does it scare us? Why are we so afraid of the unknown? is it just because of that, its the unknown? We dont know what may happen to us so we remain in the same position until the change is made for us. If you are anything like me then we like to plan our lives out on a certain time line.We set out goals for ourselves. We set in our mind an age when we'd like to get married. We set a goal at a certain age where  we'd like to own a house or condo but when that time comes and goes it leaves us asking many questions about ourselves. Are we doing something wrong?Why cant I find that person I'm supposed to be with? Am I with the right person? You know, the typical questions we ask ourselves when we doubt what we are doing with our lives.   Do we get too comfortable in our ways when something different comes a long we think we don't deserve it?  Sometimes the fear of change itself keeps us from growing. It keeps us from making new friends. It keeps us from forming a relationship because we are afraid of getting hurt again when we are more lonely now then we were before just because we are afraid of the unknown with that person. We also forget how powerful change can be as well. We get stuck in the same job for 5+ years then the job goes away and the change is made for you. Now you are faced with decisions you never thought you'd be faced with before and living comfortably seems like it was ages ago.  I'm learning how to embrace change and I'm also learning to accept the things in my life that I cannot change.  I can't change the fact that I've made mistakes in my past. I cant change the fact that I've lost touch with people who've I've called best friends over the years. I however can accept the fact that these people and circumstances in my life happened for a reason and overtime these things were supposed to happen. I've learned that I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be right now in my life and so are you.   and I'm learning to accept that if I try to avoid change sooner or later its going to happen eventually if I like it or not and there's nothing that I can do about it.  There have been challenges in my own life where I haven't always embraced change the way I should have but looking back on those times I've always gained something positive out of that outcome. We can let the fear change control our lives or we can learn to accept it and deal with it when it comes knocking because change is always constant and nothing ever stays the same. I leave you with a favorite quote of mine from the movie Life As A House.  "You know the great thing, though, is that change can be so constant you don't even feel the difference until there is one. It can be so slow that you don't even notice that your life is better or worse, until it is. Or it can just blow you away, make you something different in an instant. It happened to me."

 In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti.

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