Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010: A year of..

2010 was a year of personal growth that pushed me far beyond my own personal limits and challenged me in many ways that I never want to experience again but what I learned out of it I will take with me through the journey that I am on. In 2010 I fell in love with a girl. I dove in headfirst thinking everything was going to work out only to find out that I was way wrong and should of listened to my own dad in the first place. Dads are always right, and they know whats best for their son. A year ago today, I was engaged and madly in love and on top of the world.. Today, I'm single and loving who I have become through this process of awareness. Looking back on this year, and especially the relationship that I was in I learned that there are some people who we come in our lives only to teach us a lesson and thats it. We may not know what the lesson right when we are struggling the most. Some of the most important lessons are learned months after a horrible breakup, loss of a best friend or a job loss. I was lucky enough to expirence all three of these things in the matter of months of eachother. When you are stripped of everything you have it makes you put your own life into perspective. I promise you, you will have your "ah ha" moment and look back with clarity and find the answer you are looking for. It may take alot longer than you hoped for but it will happen. I learned that the relationship would of failed anyway if we would of stayed together. I was saved by the grace of god, and fact that she left me, probably one of the best things she could of done for me. I got to expirence what a true loss feels like. Next time I loose something I will know how to prepare myself. I know when I am ready to give my heart away to the next lovely lady that comes into my life, she will be thanking her also. Call it selfishness or confidence, its only the truth. Some people are delt a bad card and are faced with horrific tramtic expereinces in their lifes. I have learned that you cant fix other people. We can offer adivce but it is truely up to each individual person to fix themselves. You cant control other peoples thoughts and emotions. They are going to think what they think and do what they want regardless of what you think. Yes, you can try and sway their opinions but in the long run, they are the ones who are faced with the decisions they have to make in their life. 2010 was a year that I struggled financially also. Due to my massive paycut I received from my last employer and my pride standing in the way I allowed my credit to take a massive tumble.I should of asked for help when help was needed instead of ingoring the issues that I was faced with. I will never own another credit card in my name if I dont have to0. I will never allow the deninal of putting a purchase on a credit card if there isnt cash to pay it off. We think we can just borrow and pay it off. When you keep borrowing and dont pay it off the mountain becomes so massive and the grief becomes so strong that you dont sleep at night. Trust me, I've been there.

There was alot that I did however gain out of this year of challenges.I grew as a pilot, I had the opportunity to fly with a captain that let me make msitakes in the cockpit. He helped me gain the confidence I needed in order to fly a jet aircraft. We were coworkers but I gained a friend out of it as well. He knew my limits as a person, and as a pilot. He saw me at my worst when my relationship fell apart. He pushed me togo farther than my comfort zone. He taught me how to fly an instrument approach down to weather mins and land with people in the back wondering when we would break out of the soup. However the most important thing he taught me over the past 2.5 years was to be safe. If you think something isnt right, it probably isnt. I am ready to take what I learned from my captain to my next employer, whoever that will be. I make a good pilot, a good employee and a great person to travel with. I gained more respect for my parents. They saw me at my worst. The lowest I have ever been in my life.They saw my life fall apart, and they watched me put it back together. They watched me grow and struggle through something that everyone at one point is faced with. Without their love and advice, I wouldnt be half the person I am today. I love you guys and I'm truely sorry you saw me like you did this past year. I grew emotionally, spirtiually, and physically in my life. I can now handle alittle rejection in my life. Once you have been totally rejected, it wont be so bad the second time around it happens. I grew spirtually in ways that are beyond me. I allowed my faith to carry me through the darkest of my days. My faith in god was never questioned. I allowed God to work through me and in me. I learned how important the Law of Attraction is and how it effects your life on a daily basis. What you put into the world is what you get back. Very simple and very true.

I dont know what 2011 will bring me but I know that I will be able to handle what life throws at me. Thank you everyone who watched me grow into who I am as a person. Without your advice and courage to keep going I would be lost. You know who you are. I dont have to list any names because alot of people came into my life when I need people in my life the most. The challenges that I was faced with allowed me to grow as a person. It allowed me to love, suffer and grow. What ever you are faced with in your life, keep going. Never loose your faith in yourself and I promise you, you will come out the other side a much better person than before. Thats how it works.

Heres to whats in store for 2010..

Goodbye 2010.

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