Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Are we missing the point?


What is it to you?

I dont know about you but sometimes I think we are miss the point about what its really about. Sometimes I feel like we get caught up on the shit that just doesn't matter. You know the stuff that we really cant take with us when we kick the bucket. The stuff we carry inside us that holds us back. I know I am guilty about it from time to time but lately I've been asking myself do I live a meaningful life? Have I achieved everything I have said I wanted to do? I have found out that life isn't about being angry about the things we have missed out on. I have come to accept that. To me, life is about accepting the challenges that we are faced with, no matter what they are. I think within the last two years, I'm finally shaping into the person I've always wanted to be and getting there has been interesting to say the least. I know inside my head I struggle with the fact that I have a really hard time not comparing myself to others around me, and I bet you have the same problem as well. I know deep down that I am doing the best I can with what I have been given. I know in my life that things happen just the way they should of. I wasn't supposed to marry the person I was engaged too. I wasnt supposed to receive a job offer from the company I wanted to work for when I was out of a job. Sometimes negative things happen to us in our lives that actually benefit us in a positive way. Imagine that. Think about it for a second, I bet there was something negative that happened to you that you have come to realize that your life would of turned out completely different if had happened the way you wanted to at that time. There are somethings in my life that I have learned to accept and that is things always work out how they are supposed to and everything is going to be okay. It always is isnt it? I wake up every day trying to inspire the world around me. I do it in the way that I write, and the way that I take my photographs. You can tell a lot about sometime by the way they write. They are the thoughts/and emotions that come together to form the words you are looking at right now. I know sometimes I wonder where I get my passion to write because I reread some of the things I've wrote and I question if from time to time, did I really write this? There are billions of people in this world and we all have the ability to create the world we want around us. We attract things in our life that we think about.Sometimes people miss that though and they wonder why they are so angry with how their life has turned out. They go their whole life trying to figure it out. I have a job that takes me to a lot of various places around the country and challenges me emotionally and sometimes physically. I come in contact with a lot of different people. Its amazing how much you can learn about someone just by reading their body language. I have a habit of walking by someone when I am in an airport and asking to myself if they are happy. Its amazing when you can sense someones energy without even saying a word to them. You know, its that vibe you feel about someone when you first meet them. I am beyond blessed and grateful that I have had the opportunity to see some of the things I have seen. It makes me truly appreciate life. Sometimes I forget the true meaning of life though. Honestly, what is the true meaning? Is it the liquor for some people? is it the paycheck you take home every two weeks? is it the person you are with but don't love because you are just "comfortable" with, Is it the the hatred you have inside with yourself? The shit that we are faced with in our own personal lives sometimes can make it hard to wrap our head around. Its the shit that makes you question if there really is a God. I'm not here looking for a handout. I can tell you from my 27.5 years living on this planet that life isnt easy. I've been to some pretty dark places in my life that I never hope to return to but I believe those places have made me the individual I am today. So what type of life do you want to live? Remember to always find the good in someone and hold them to that standard. Challenge them, and inspire them because you may be the person that they need in their life.

In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti.


  1. I couldn't agree more with you. I look back at my life and I really count my blessings. I have a wonderful family and I'm very lucky to be in the place that I am. It took a LOT of tears and heartbreaking moments to get where I am now, but God had a purpose. We just need to be patient and happy with what we got. We complain and compare ourselves to others a lot, but if you take time to look, we really don't have it that bad. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger right? Or how they say it in Spanish, what doesn't kill you fattens you :)

  2. BTW you inspire me with your beautiful writing :)

  3. Jeff, I think that the writing is a family trait. And what doesn't kill you probably does fatten you... I should know... I'm Spanish on my mom's side and struggled with my weight for a while.
