Friday, November 19, 2010

Life is like a dance

It truly amazes me how much my life has changed within the last year and to be even more specific, its amazing how much my life has changed within the last 4 months. For people who know me very well, my life fell apart and looking back on it now, it wasn't all that bad that it happened. I have gained so much more respect for myself. I finally feel like I learned important boundaries that are key for a successful relationship. After going through my train wreck of a mess I have found a new appreciation for life in general. I have always been a very passionate person but this passion is on a newer level. I like to say this new type of appreciation as positive energy. Once you start paying attention to it, you can pick it up in an instant while talking to someone. Sometimes you just get a bad vibe from someone, well that's their negative energy peeking out and sometimes you can instantly pick up someones positive engery. My mom has this down to a T. She is one of the most cool, calm and collective people I know. For the longest time, she always said to me. "You become what you think" Man she was right. We sometimes become so self absorbed in our own thoughts. When you get to a point in your life when you can control your thoughts and emotions you become self aware. Self awareness takes awhile to learn but once you become self aware, you become a leader.Everyone needs a leader around them, even if they arent leading in a "traditional" way you may think. When you are aware of your own thoughts and emotions they become easy to control. Sometimes our thoughts and our emotions flow like a river. Sometimes in life we stumble around and around. When you stumble, sometimes there isn't any other way but to fall down. The fall isnt what hurts the most, its the getting back up which hurts the most.Everything you knew before you can toss it out the window because those were negative thoughts and negative thoughts attract more negative things in your own life. I sometimes feel like I am a chicken crossing a busy road. The chicken will slowly peek its head across the road to see if any cars are coming then hesitate for a little bit. The chicken waits and waits then when the coast is clear, the chicken slowly crosses the street with his eyes wide open, hoping fate isnt the hunter. You may wodner what this has to do with the blog title "Life is like a dance". Well recently I have picked up dance lessons. I never thought that I could learn how to dance. I mean I love music but I never thought I would gain the confidence to dance but let me tell you, its A LOT of fun.Sometimes in life you need to just get out of the comfort zone we are all used too. Breaking free of that zone will make you more aware of the abilites you have has a human beining. The type of dance I am learning is called West Coast Swing. Let google be youre friend to get a little better idea of what I am talking about. Life is always changing, just like in a dance. You are never in the same position. Learning how to dance, isnt easy but its something that I have really come to enjoy. Life throws you all kinds of curve balls, its up to you to know how to deal with what you have been delt with.

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