Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Nothing ever stays the same.

What would you do if you were told you had 1 week left to live? What would you do? What would you say? Who would see? Who would you forgive? Would you finally learn to forgive yourself? we walk around this life full of guilt and shame. Would you come clean about the affair you are having with your wife? Would you mend the anger you have towards your family? You have 1 week. 1 week to complete the life you have you have always wanted. Would you say your goodbyes? Close your eyes and take a moment. Take a deep breath, pretend thats the last one you take. Cherish it. More important how would you want to be remembered? Could you say you knew who you were? Did you live a life full of passion? were you honest with yourself? Were you the best person you could be?or did you live a life full of anger and regrets? We go through life making choices that are hurtful. You only have one life. The lap around the track will be over someday and the life you live isnt about being angry with one another. Its about accepting who you are as an individual. Its about creating who you are. Creating an environment where you feel safe with the one you love. We are constantly changing. Nothing ever stays the same, even though it may seem like it at the current moment. Sooner or later it changes. Change is scary. Imagine the couples who have been married for 35+ years and one day they are gone. Imagine getting that phone call that we all fear. He didnt make it in that accident. We dont know what to expect in this life at times. We plan, We save, We fall in love, We build a family. We suffer. Its hard not to let your anger rule your life. Life is all about making the best out of every situation you are faced with. Enjoy it. So if you had 1 week left, what would you do? Would you watch that sunset one last time? Would you feel the rain fall on your face? Would you have one last meal with all of your close friends and family?We all want to be remembered as a good person no matter what we do in life. Nobody wants to be remembered as a bad person. How many funerals have you been to when you heard someone say "they were a good person and they said what they meant" Thats how I want to be remembered. I want to live a life with integrity. I may say things that will be hurtful but I will always try to be honest with myself and my feelings. . I dont know when my time will be up. I dont know how it will happen but I can say to myself that I've lived my life to the fullest. I have learned that life is way to short. The people we care about are always taken from us when we least expect it. We cheat death and are given a second chance.We are here to experience everything that we have to offer. Everybody has a story and everybody wants to tell that story. Some people wait their whole life to be heard and the opportunity I have done some stupid things that I probably shouldnt of. I fell in love, I felt what a broken heart feels like. I accomplished goals that I set. So what would you do if you had 1 week left?

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