Monday, May 9, 2011

Honest direct and to the point.

There comes a time in our lives when we reach pivotal points. We wake up and realize a lot of things that once mattered, don't anymore. People's problems you once listened to goes in one ear and out the other and you say to yourself why are you wasting my time. You once thought that getting ahead in life was what you wanted but all along all you wanted was security. You realize that YOU are in control of your own thoughts and emotions and not the other way around. You know that you don't need someone to make you complete, rather just want someone to share company with. After a while, you learn to accept that people are going to hurt you. They will lie to you and talk behind your back and learn when to trust someone and when not to. You realize that life really sucks at times and you are going to fail at some point in your life and its going to be okay. Sometimes failing at something is the best thing that can happen to someone. I've failed at many things in my life and all of my failures have lead me to better things. Sometimes when you fall in shit you actually come out smelling like roses. Its happend to me on countless times. The feeling of being invisible slowly starts to wear off that leaves you with a bitter taste in your mouth. Getting drunk and waking up next to someone becomes less appealing to you when you realize that you never understood why you did this in the first place, maybe it was to fill void. You avoid relationships that you know will suck the life out of you because they are unhealthy. The test you studied so hard to get an A on, you actually failed. The job offer you thought you had, wasnt offered. The person you thought you were going to marry, ends up cheating on you. The person you started to have feelings for just stops talking to you without any rhyme or reason. We all have these points in our lives and they shape us into who we are today. They are going to hurt and its going to cause alot of painful emotions when they do happen. Its a part of life but they challenge us to make ourselves a better person. I have learned that there are only two choices in life and those are, to accept that things are going to happen to you regardless or to sit around and wonder why this has to happen to me. We are not here to become victims of our circumstances. I know that there are some people that say oh just another blog by jeff. I'm not here to make you feel good about yourself I dont care about that. Thats not the point why I write what I write.I write because I want to challenge you as a person. I want you to think in ways that you havent before. I write because I hope to make a difference in this world and maybe what I have been faced with in my life will make you understand that everything that you are going through in your life right now is going to be okay. The pain you may be feeling about something in your life will pass. Understand that its happening to you for a reason..

Friday, May 6, 2011

leave when there is still hope for escape.

I never really understood how hard it is for someone to tell them how they feel. You just say it. Why would you want to live a life where you didnt say what you mean? Maybe that's what separates me from a lot of people that I come across. I am totally aware of my feelings and thoughts. The thoughts you think become feelings.. Its really not that hard. I never understood why people cant just be honest with the way they are feeling. You meet someone new, you go on a couple dates with them. You start to realize that this person has a lot of potential to be more than just a "friend" You allow yourself to open up to this person. They open up to you as well and then all of a sudden they turn off their feelings, Just like that. No rhyme or reason. They start distancing themselves from you and you start to pick up on it. You want to know the real reasons why but they will never tell you so you justify the things you know about yourself. I have learned from past experiences you cant force someone to stay. If they want to go, let them go. I just never understood the reasoning behind ignoring someone. I get the idea that she wasnt into me as much as I was into her. Thats okay. Thats the great thing about life. You are attracted to some more than others. The key point here is just tell them instead of letting them hang out to dry. Just be honest with me to my face. Its all I asked for from the start. I guess the definition of honesty is open for discussion. Here are a couple things to think about.

Dont tell someone they are amazing when you dont mean it.
Be honest with your feelings.
Act your age
Have the consideration to tell someone its just not working out.
Treat others the way you would want to be treated.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Self Truths

1. I will hold back the need to "fix" another person and let them be who they are.
2. Every day I will practice gratitude where ever I am.
3. I will try my best to keep an open mind. Someone else has another view point also.
4. I will do my best at whatever I set out to accomplish in my life.
5. I will channel my negative energy and focus on the good things I have in my life.
6. My family is my rock, without their support in life I wouldn't be who I am today.
7. I wont take my life so seriously, I will laugh more and not take things so personally.
8. I am a person of values and morals that I will not trade in.
9. I wear my heart on my sleeve, its who I am. I've tried to change that but I realize I cant change who I am.
10. I truly enjoy the path I'm traveling on. Its not easy but it makes me appreciate life more and more every day.

What are yours?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Crossfit and Faith

****I did not write this but it applies directly to my life***

Faith takes vision to see what can happen or what you can become…as with CrossFit. “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Both the task of working out and walking in faith require us to have a vision of what could become if we step into our glory and be all that God created us to be.

CrossFit will take you into areas you wouldn’t go by yourself…as will faith. I don’t know about you but unless I have a trainer or someone who is going with me in this journey, I wouldn’t just go there by myself. Lack of discipline, maybe. Lack of knowledge, in part. Inability to put all of the pieces together on my own, absolutely. The CrossFit program will take you into an area with techniques and skills that are proven to work. It’s not uncharted area. The walk of faith is the same thing. There is a multitude of saints who have gone before us and found the results of their journey to be beyond their wildest expectations. Faith takes vision…the ability to see beyond the reality of today. Sometimes this is the ability to see beyond the image in the mirror to what we can become.

CrossFit will lead you past the point of quit to see that you are stronger than you thought…as will faith. I’ll be honest, I would have quit half way through each of my timed work outs. Not because I wanted to be a quitter but simply because I didn’t believe I could make it to the end. If I was doing these alone, I might have pushed myself but when the pain began to take over and my head is saying “bail..bail now, you’ve done enough”…I would probably listen to the voice and stop. Stopping short of realizing that I am actually strong enough to finish. Yes, 60% of the way through the workout my body is screaming at me but when I finish there is a huge sense of accomplishment and pride that I actually finished. Here is where the principle of a cord of two or three is stronger that a cord of one. When we work out together or with a trainer we can be lead past the point of “quit” to realize we have what it takes. Walking the journey of faith is exactly the same. When we walk our journey with others, even if only one or two people, we will be stronger and be able to push past those points of quit when the enemy is screaming that we don’t have what it takes. Remember, God created you and me, NOT the accuser. God knows how He created us and knows He has prepared us for the journey He has called us to. This takes faith.

CrossFit will leave you uncomfortable but not broken…as will faith. A good trainer will leave you uncomfortable but will not push you to the point of breaking where injury occurs. The journey of faith is tough. There will be times of discomfort…and times of extreme discomfort. One thing I do know is that The One who calls us to this journey of faith, He will not crush us or allow us to be broken.

Faith takes vision to see what can happen or what you can become…as with CrossFit. “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Both the task of working out and walking in faith require us to have a vision of what could become if we step into our glory and be all that God created us to be.

CrossFit will take you into areas you wouldn’t go by yourself…as will faith. I don’t know about you but unless I have a trainer or someone who is going with me in this journey, I wouldn’t just go there by myself. Lack of discipline, maybe. Lack of knowledge, in part. Inability to put all of the pieces together on my own, absolutely. The CrossFit program will take you into an area with techniques and skills that are proven to work. It’s not uncharted area. The walk of faith is the same thing. There is a multitude of saints who have gone before us and found the results of their journey to be beyond their wildest expectations. Faith takes vision…the ability to see beyond the reality of today. Sometimes this is the ability to see beyond the image in the mirror to what we can become.

CrossFit will lead you past the point of quit to see that you are stronger than you thought…as will faith. I’ll be honest, I would have quit half way through each of my timed work outs. Not because I wanted to be a quitter but simply because I didn’t believe I could make it to the end. If I was doing these alone, I might have pushed myself but when the pain began to take over and my head is saying “bail..bail now, you’ve done enough”…I would probably listen to the voice and stop. Stopping short of realizing that I am actually strong enough to finish. Yes, 60% of the way through the workout my body is screaming at me but when I finish there is a huge sense of accomplishment and pride that I actually finished. Here is where the principle of a cord of two or three is stronger that a cord of one. When we work out together or with a trainer we can be lead past the point of “quit” to realize we have what it takes. Walking the journey of faith is exactly the same. When we walk our journey with others, even if only one or two people, we will be stronger and be able to push past those points of quit when the enemy is screaming that we don’t have what it takes. Remember, God created you and me, NOT the accuser. God knows how He created us and knows He has prepared us for the journey He has called us to. This takes faith.

CrossFit will leave you uncomfortable but not broken…as will faith. A good trainer will leave you uncomfortable but will not push you to the point of breaking where injury occurs. The journey of faith is tough. There will be times of discomfort…and times of extreme discomfort. One thing I do know is that The One who calls us to this journey of faith, He will not crush us or allow us to be broken.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Its that sort of thing that makes you loose your objectivity

We all want it. We are often afraid of it. "its too good to be true" as we start to dismiss it. It gives some people meaning in their lives. We put up walls to keep it out and push it away rather than accept it. We say we don't deserve it. We get hurt only to do it over and over until we find it. Its a song an dance. A little to the left and a roll to the right. Two Steps forward and one step back. We strive for it and let ourselves down when we realize its not what we thought. It gives us the power to grow, emotionally, sexually, and physically. It can even kill us. Some people express it in all the wrong ways. It can bring two people together and it can tear two people apart. Its an emotion that we struggle to express. We all communicate it in a language that may be different from another. We focus on it until we loose our objectivity. Some are lucky enough to find it and some are searching for it all their lives. When you find it, hold on to it but never hold it tight because it takes a lifetime to find and seconds to watch it fall apart. Take a second to tell someone you love them and mean it. All of this could be over before you know it. It gives me meaning for my life because I've been blessed to experience it and share it. If you are waiting for it I hope you find it. If you have found it, You are one of the lucky ones. I'm still waiting for it, I've had it and Ive lost it but I know it will find me again. Let it in, accept it, its the most powerful emotion that two people share.