Monday, May 9, 2011

Honest direct and to the point.

There comes a time in our lives when we reach pivotal points. We wake up and realize a lot of things that once mattered, don't anymore. People's problems you once listened to goes in one ear and out the other and you say to yourself why are you wasting my time. You once thought that getting ahead in life was what you wanted but all along all you wanted was security. You realize that YOU are in control of your own thoughts and emotions and not the other way around. You know that you don't need someone to make you complete, rather just want someone to share company with. After a while, you learn to accept that people are going to hurt you. They will lie to you and talk behind your back and learn when to trust someone and when not to. You realize that life really sucks at times and you are going to fail at some point in your life and its going to be okay. Sometimes failing at something is the best thing that can happen to someone. I've failed at many things in my life and all of my failures have lead me to better things. Sometimes when you fall in shit you actually come out smelling like roses. Its happend to me on countless times. The feeling of being invisible slowly starts to wear off that leaves you with a bitter taste in your mouth. Getting drunk and waking up next to someone becomes less appealing to you when you realize that you never understood why you did this in the first place, maybe it was to fill void. You avoid relationships that you know will suck the life out of you because they are unhealthy. The test you studied so hard to get an A on, you actually failed. The job offer you thought you had, wasnt offered. The person you thought you were going to marry, ends up cheating on you. The person you started to have feelings for just stops talking to you without any rhyme or reason. We all have these points in our lives and they shape us into who we are today. They are going to hurt and its going to cause alot of painful emotions when they do happen. Its a part of life but they challenge us to make ourselves a better person. I have learned that there are only two choices in life and those are, to accept that things are going to happen to you regardless or to sit around and wonder why this has to happen to me. We are not here to become victims of our circumstances. I know that there are some people that say oh just another blog by jeff. I'm not here to make you feel good about yourself I dont care about that. Thats not the point why I write what I write.I write because I want to challenge you as a person. I want you to think in ways that you havent before. I write because I hope to make a difference in this world and maybe what I have been faced with in my life will make you understand that everything that you are going through in your life right now is going to be okay. The pain you may be feeling about something in your life will pass. Understand that its happening to you for a reason..

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